Eventually I relented and bought a Beaba Baby Cook which I reviewed a while ago HERE, I managed to cook a few simple purees on my own and returned to ready made sachets for more complex foods.
Then a friend handed me Annabel Karmel's Top 100 Baby Purees and slowly but surely I actually began to follow recipes and cook some actually quite tasty dishes for little E. Ok so I haven't suddenly morphed in to Nigella but Mr Jones is in shock and secretly believes that I have been abducted by aliens and replaced by someone relatively domesticated!
The recipes are super healthy and very easy to follow and the book is split up into age groups to make sure that your little one is gradually introduced to a wide variety of suitable foods.
I'm sure most Mamas with children and babies over a certain age will have heard of Annabel Karmel, so really this post is for brand spanking new mothers or for those who live under rocks....
This little book is currently my baby food bible and I couldn't manage without this and my Beaba Baby Cook. So, perhaps I should be calling this my read of the past few months, but it doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it?
I have also recently discovered her App which is perfect for travelling, I actually took my book away to Greece with us so I wish I'd found this earlier. At £3.99 I think this is an absolute bargain, it has loads of age appropriate recipes on there and it even has both a meal planner and an invaluable shopping list function!
And here's the link to the App Link!
Today our Mush du Jour came from the app and was baked sweet potato and spinach. Little E loved it and it tasted much better than it looks, I promise! :)
Have you tried Annabel Karmel's book and if not, where do you get your recipes from?
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