Nails- Going for a mani/pedi is my favourite way to pamper myself. Beautiful, shiny, jewel toned nails are an instant pick me up and make me feel a whole lot more 'put together'. With two young children, its not always that easy for me to get to the nail salon so I've pretty much managed to perfect my manicure technique myself.
Hair/Tan - You can call me shallow but seriously, give me a tan and a good blow-dry and I can conquer the world!!
Early Night- Pre-kids I was a teensy bit nocturnal. Forget nights out, my ultimate treat these days is an early night to catch up on those Zs- sleep deprivation is no joke!
Bath- Once I've decluttered the bath from all those pesky soggy bath toys that my kids love so much. I fill up the bath and pour in some Epsom salts and soak away all the stress of the day.
TV- It's impossible for me to watch anything on TV when my kids are awake without causing some sort of tantrum because someone would rather be watching Paw Patrol. As soon as the monsters are in bed, I love to catch up with favourite shows on Netflix, Mr Jones and I are Loving House of Cards at the moment! If box sets aren't your thing, you could try online bingo games such as
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